The TRANSformation Coach  

The TRANSformation Coach

Transforming people's lives from the inside out

Language: en-us

Genres: Education, Health & Fitness

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Champions have an Indomitable Spirit!
Tuesday, 27 July, 2010

Champions have an Indomitable Spirit! Have you ever noticed how some people always seem to have anunstoppable upbeat attitude and maintain a strong zest for life? BLACK BELT CHAMPIONS call this an Indomitable Spirit. It's that extra energy and enthusiasm they put into everything they do. Besides a powerful non-quitting spirit, they have a tremendous hungerand drive for their Martial Arts and for personal growth and development. This spirit is a positive energy force that shows their passion, you can see it in theireyes, you can hear it in their voice, you can feel it whenever you’re around them. A person with this spirit is always more ambitious than the average person. They are alsomore likely to accomplish more, take more action and be very achievement-oriented. Theyare far less likely to get discouraged, because they are better conditioned and preparedto handle the setbacks that they encounter. They always influence others in a positive fashion. Their enthusiasm and optimism becomes contagious to others. It's been said that enthusiasm is contagious, so is the lack of it... Wouldn’t you rather be a person that brings others up to higher levelsof excellence, instead of the person that drags people down to mediocrity? BLACK BELT CHAMPIONS always bring people up. Spread your Spirit - your INDOMITABLE SPIRIT!


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