The Scotty Damnit Show  

The Scotty Damnit Show

Author: Zach Dorr

Politics, Sports, Parenting, Food and just some regular bullshit. Host Zach Dorr is a high school teacher, politician, Police Officer and writer. He also has an opinion about absolutely everything. Hear his version of the story, it's probably filled with passion and...curses. The Scotty Damnit Show is commentary from Zach Dorr, a 30something with a stone in just about every fire there is. He is a self-acknowledged critic of pretty much everything, but, also a public servant, a public school teacher, coach, parent, Police OffIcer, writer, producer, husband and podcast host. Tune in today!
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Language: en-us

Genres: Comedy, News, News Commentary

Contact email: Get it

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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