Unsure? Insure!  

Unsure? Insure!

After so many years helping freelancers stay in business, Im no stranger to the kinds of problems you face.

Author: Ashley Baxter

After so many years helping freelancers stay in business, Im no stranger to the kinds of problems you face. But freelancing doesnt mean having to face these problems alone. A lot of the time there is help available. Id like to share these stories with you so you can be a confident freelancer.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Careers

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The season finale
Episode 52
Monday, 16 November, 2020

With JackEpisode #2: What's a freelancer doing that requires insurance?Episode #7: Client wants me to finish our project and is asking for damagesEpisode #48: Having a law firm on retainerEpisode #50: A first-hand account of pursuing a payment through small claims courtEpisode #46: Be a confident freelancerEpisode #37: Keeping projects on time and managing client expectationsEpisode #16: Professional indemnity insurance teardownApproach every single project with solid processes in place. Processes will help you manage common problems that arise in freelance projectsApproach each project with confidence. Confidence in your skillset, confidence in your pricing, confidence in your workflow. If you aren’t confident some clients will take advantage of thatConsider insurance if you’re providing any kind of professional service to clients because most problems stem from the unpredictable nature of clients or things happening outside of your control


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