The American Cyanide ShowAuthor: David Hernandez
Hi, this is David at American Cyanide. For too long the Left in America has been trying to sell us a bill of goods, all the while insulting those of us who see right through their bullsh*t. I, for one, am tired of it. I will talk about how socialism kills, and putting a cute label in front of it like "democratic" doesn't make it any less deadly. Support this podcast: Language: en Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it Trailer: |
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Federalist XII: The Utility of the Union in Respect to Revenue
Episode 12
Monday, 13 December, 2021
So far, Hamilton, Madison, and Jay have spoken at length about the benefits of union in regards to defense and foreign policy. Now it's time to talk about money. No one likes to pay taxes, in particular the founding fathers. They fought a war over them, for crying out loud! So, why is Hamilton arguing for taxes? Well, he's not really arguing for them as much as he is arguing for responsible taxation. Who to tax? What to tax? How much to tax? The founders, including Hamilton, were not fools. They realized taxation was necessary in order to build a nation. "A nation cannot long exist without revenues." Hamilton makes some general proposals, intending to stick mainly on duties collected from trade. He did not care much for direct (aka income) taxes, and didn't like the idea of taxing the farmers (aka the working class) either. He doesn't delve much into detail about taxation or how to go about it. He seems to merely be saying: Hey! We probably might want to start thinking about how we're going to pay for things like a navy and stuff. The benefit of the Union is that, at least when it comes to trade, it will be relatively easy to manage rates and prevent contraband. If you haven't done so before, read up on the Fair Tax. Don't forget to follow me on cloutHub and Parler: @AmericanCyanide. Also, check out and subscribe to my video channels on cloutHub and Rumble. Feel free to send me feedback thru the Voice Message option in my podcast page, or by sending me an e-mail: America is worth fighting for! Be strong. Be blessed. #BeStillAndKnow