Generationally Unpacked  

Generationally Unpacked

Author: Aireal Bruins

Thanks for tapping in to Generationally Unpacked Where we have authentic conversations about our melanin communities in which we hope will plant seeds, and create ripples within the vibrations of our community which will bring healing, break generational patterns, & create awareness. There may be some laughs and some tears, either way we will laugh & cry together. We will also be incorporating spirituality into these sessions because we are spiritual beings living a human experience. As always take with you whats fits with you. And leave behind what does not.
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Language: en

Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

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La Boujee Conjure Coven Tea Time What’s the tea about Corona ?!
Episode 2
Tuesday, 17 March, 2020

This episode is our thoughts and experiences with this latest craziness Corona. We go over what exactly it is, immune system boosters, herbs, foods, our thoughts. How we need to raise our frequencies. Planting light love blessings & realness in your ear!


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