The Prana Boost Show:Raise YOUR Vibration & Change YOUR Life! What does it take to AWAKEN WITH PURPOSE & BE A PRANA BOOSTE  

The Prana Boost Show:Raise YOUR Vibration & Change YOUR Life! What does it take to AWAKEN WITH PURPOSE & BE A PRANA BOOSTE

Author: Tina Louise Balodi

Inspiring personal family conversations & also interviews with Prana Boosters featured on who are Awakened With Purpose & Raising the Vibration of the World through their life's work. Conscious/Mindful Families, Mindful Living, Personal Transformation, Relationships/Marriage & Parenting, Emotional Intelligence, Nonviolence. Have you ever wondered what The Prana Boost Lifestyle really looks like? Join me & my amazing husband, soulmate, business partner, spiritual partner, best friend for an intimate discussion on The Prana Boost Show to learn about our mindful lifestyle & our new partnership parenting paradigm that we are pioneering together. Here is your chance to hear from both of us to learn more about it from each of our perspectives. For a bit more about us you can read this:
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Kids & Family, Parenting, Self-Improvement

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Randy Spelling-Episode #74-Featured Guest Prana Booster™-The Prana Boost Show™ Podcast
Saturday, 11 December, 2021

Hi Prana Boosters! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to grow up in one of the wealthiest families as the son of perhaps the most prolific American film & television producers in history? What would it be like to grow up in a celebrity family in Los Angeles & overcome emotional trauma & addiction & transform yourself to become a credentialed life coach, spiritual facilitator, Daddy, & husband, while owning a wellness company? Randy helps others find their purpose & reconnect with the deepest parts of themselves. He helps them raise awareness & live a better life. I am so excited to connect with Randy to hear his amazing stories & to share his journey with all of you.   Bio: Author, speaker, intuitive coach and consultant, Randy Spelling, is the head of Randy Spelling Coaching. Growing up in one of Hollywood's most famous families, he witnessed first hand that money and fame do not create freedom or happiness - but our daily choices do! Using his natural intuitive abilities and 14 years of coaching experience, he helps people see the choices they didn't realize they had, so they can create more freedom, success, presence, and happiness in their lives!   In this episode you will hear: How does and Intuitive Life Coach manage their energy during these conflicted and stressful times? How do we quiet the fearful or negative voices in our head? What is Meta Cognition? Why must we have awareness around Trauma Triggers? When we heal is it always beautiful and easy?? How is this pandemic showing up as a catalyst for people to make changes and heal trauma? Why is it important to learn to “move” energy? How can we remain hopeful during times of trauma and fear and worldwide transitions? What is the importance of observation especially during this time of such polarity? What happens if we don’t take time to focus on positive ideas and solutions? Why must we think about what traumas may have created the consciousness behind someone who is creating corruption in our current world? Why is it important to release judgment of others so we do not pass this habit down to our children?


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