Unclaimed Bands  

Unclaimed Bands

Author: Unclaimed Bands LLC.

Unclaimed bands is a chance for original bands to get heard. It's that simple. We conduct an interview with the band and we play a song of their's, that they choose. no Radio producer, pushing a manufactured hit. The artists telling us in their own words about their song. Along the way we hope to bring their music to a greater audience and give you the fans a chance to hear "what they sound like.."
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Language: en

Genres: Music

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Rose Cora Perry 0239
Thursday, 23 April, 2020

This Show: Rose Cora Perry! Hailing from Canada Rose takes time to talk to us about her early days on as part of music journey! From classical music to rock and roll, form solo artist to front woman of her band! Along with the interview we hear her 2 songs "Easy prey" and "For what its worth" form her new EP "Other Side of the Story".


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