Living with Disability - for iPad/Mac/PC  

Living with Disability - for iPad/Mac/PC

Author: The Open University

How does living with disability and chronic illness impact on a person's quality of life? What are the consequences of physical limitations and treatment regimes? The tracks on his album explore real-life case studies in a variety of care environments. From domestic homes to residential and hospital settings, we explore physical, social and psychological impacts and investigate the extent to which care environments are enabling or disabling. The album also contains a fictional case study which explores some of the issues facing people who are carers in their own homes. To complete the album, Joanna Bornat and Jan Walmsley of The Open University's Faculty of Health and Social Care explain why some of the case studies were selected for study and unpick some of the issues that emerge. This material forms part of The Open University course K101 An introduction to health and social care.
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Language: en

Genres: Courses, Education

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Living with Disability
Monday, 12 April, 2010

A short introduction to this album.


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