Project Management Insights  

Project Management Insights

Author: Karen Cherrett

Project Management Insights provide Project Managers with tips and ideas on how to be better leaders. You will also find lots of useful guidance on strengthening your relationships within and around your whole project, not only with your team but also with your key stakeholders. Episodes will be published weekly.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Management

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The Difference Between a Business Plan and a Business Case
Thursday, 4 March, 2021

People often confuse a Business Plan with a Business Case. Let me explain the difference in these two documents and remember that you need a business case as the foundation for ANY project that you want to undertake. If you don't know how to write a business case grab a copy of my book 'How To Write a Strong Business Case' it has a step by step process to follow to write one, including a bunch of tips.


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