The Rosewood Doula Pod  

The Rosewood Doula Pod

Author: Emily Flynn

From the writer and doula, Em Flynn comes a pod about all things birthwork. From creepy baby tech to parenting science babble, Handmaid's Tale recaps, and business advice, this doula fireside chat covers the often under discussed and misaligned pusedo science babble within the birthing industry.
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Language: en

Genres: Science, Social Sciences

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Birth like a #GirlBoss?: Discussing the birth scenes in Pam & Tommy and Inventing Anna
Episode 1
Friday, 18 March, 2022

This week I’m doing a solo episode discussing one of my favorite things: birth scenes in media! I recently watched Netflix’s Inventing Anna and Hulu’s Pam & Tommy, both of which feature pregnancy through lines and birth scenes. I argue that one of the two broke some real ground on depicting birth on film while the other sorta pretended to while delivering viewers with a lot of the same old fat & farty stuff we’ve always seen, but dressed up in a cloak of post-#Metoo fourth wave feminism. Was I entertained? Sure! Was I bored at seeing more waters breaking in the most inopportune time for the millionth time on screen? You betcha! So I keep asking myself, in the age of a glowing and glamorous pregnant Rihanna, why is pregnancy in Hollywood still written like it’s from a man cave? If you want more pop culture pregnancy and birth commentary, head on over to my new Substack -


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