Building Wise Families  

Building Wise Families

Author: Alan & Corrie

Join Alan & Corrie as they ask parenting questions to wise mentors, experts, and other parents to build a family with God's wisdom.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Christianity, Kids & Family, Parenting, Religion & Spirituality

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The Routines You Already Have and How to Make Them Better
Episode 10
Monday, 13 March, 2023

#010 - Do you crave routine? Hate routines? Peggy Osborne joins us to talk about why routines matter, routines you probably already have (whether you know it or not), and how to create intentional routines that build skills in our children.   LinksVisit the You Are My Treasure Shop to purchase the New Beginnings book and don't forget to send Peggy an email to let her know we sent you!What to Do Now?Visit the Treasured Facebook group to connect with Peggy!


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