English Takeover Podcast  

English Takeover Podcast

Author: English Takeover

Welcome to the English Takeover Podcast!! Were here to skyrocket your English. Its not JUST about learning English... Sure, weve got English tutorials, writing hacks, speaking lessons and a heap of tips and tricks to level up your English, but we also have some episodes about mindset and even a live talk show featuring our community members! Were non-native English speakers like you; weve been in your shoes. We know the struggle, the fear of speaking up, the sense of impatience when learning this language. Let's sail away together!
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Language Learning

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How to boost your English confidence?
Sunday, 9 August, 2020

How to build your spoken English confidence? - Speak English fluently and confidently.  Where does confidence come from? Does grammar come from confidence? Or Does confidence come from grammar? That's the question! Confidence. It can be a tricky thing to come by at times. One day you're over the moon and getting work done, while the next one, your self-critic creeps in to disturb your gran plans to conquer the world!  It's hard, I get it. We all wanna feel good about our accomplishments, get praises and compliments, but.. Have you ever done that yourself? When was the last time you said "Well done, me! I'm soooo proud of myself today! You rock!" Never?! Ahaa! Gotcha!   Affirmations, positive experience can boost your confidence and how you view yourself but in order to do that, you need to take the matter into your hands. No more waiting around and day dreaming buddy! It's the time to make a change and feel good about your English.  Switch from negative to positive thinking. See opportunities and not obstacles.   You rock. Remember that. Always.   Dainora is a great motivational speaker, she studied linguistics, speaks fluent English and Spanish and also an Ornithophile (bird-lover) Make sure to check her awesome content in Instagram:


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