The Power of Rhythm  

The Power of Rhythm

Author: Reinhard Flatischler

Join viennese composer and percussionist Reinhard Flatischler for an eye-opening listening experience. Through inspiring interviews with world-renowned artists, leaders, teachers, high- class performers and scientists, this podcast goes beyond music and explores rhythm from different angles: percussion, drumming, singing, chronobiology, spirituality, modern digitization and health. It will give you new perspectives of how to improve your creativity, your health and your resilience and getting into the flow of life
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Language: en

Genres: Music, Music Interviews

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Evelyn Glennie - Listening by Heart
Tuesday, 28 December, 2021

Listening is so much broader than just music. If I want to listen by heart, I need to be empty in my thoughts and I need to be still. And maybe music is a perfect way to learn that ability, especially the way my today's guest listens. Evelyn Glennie is a true legend already in her lifetime. She is a multiple Grammy award winner, she is a Ted Talk speaker and she has been given more than 100 awards internationally. But this is just the icing on the cake. The real thing is that she lost her hearing when she was about eight, and instead of quitting music, she embarked on a career that brings a new paradigm of listening to the world.


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