A Voice for the Kids  

A Voice for the Kids


A CHILD USA podcast discussing how adults can keep children safe and where society has failed to protect kids. CHILD USA is the leading national nonprofit think tank working to end child abuse and neglect in the United States. CHILD USA engages in high-level legal, social science, and medical research and analysis to derive the best public policies to end child abuse and neglect in America. CHILD USA produces evidence-based solutions and information needed by policymakers, organizations, media, and society as a whole to increase child protection and the common good. Since its inception, CHILD USA has made great achievements in ending child abuse and neglect in America!
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Kids & Family, Non-Profit

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Supreme Court Roundup
Episode 10
Friday, 15 July, 2022

What does it mean when children's religious freedom is removed from public schools?  What does the Dobbs decision mean for our kids?  In this episode of A Voice for the Kids, CHILD USA's Executive Director, Jillian Ruck, Legal Director, Alice Bohn, and CEO, Marci Hamilton join together to discuss the recent supreme court rulings that affect the lives of children today.    


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