Listening to the Horse by Elaine Heney | Equine training, education, psychology, horsemanship, groundwork, riding & dressage  

Listening to the Horse by Elaine Heney | Equine training, education, psychology, horsemanship, groundwork, riding & dressage

Author: Elaine Heney talks horse riding, horse training and natural horsemanship

The Elaine Heney podcast is a global equestrian show for equestrians all over the world, who want to build an inspiring partnership with their horse using Listening to the Horse inspired ground & riding lessons & approaches. If you love natural horsemanship, liberty work, polework training, groundwork, lateral movements, trail riding & vaquero horsemanship, you are in the right place! As horse owners we take as long as it takes. We understand that horsemanship is a lifelong journey. And we understand the importance of working slowly with the horse - to build connection, trust & partnership together - and we aim to always put the horses mental, physical & emotional needs first. Each week you will listen to one episode that covers one specific skill, strategy or approach to help you build trust, connection & confidence with your horse, and covers a mixture of groundwork & riding lessons & ideas. Get more horse training & tips Enjoy Elaines personal blog at: What does Elaine share in this podcast? Enjoy equestrian, horse riding, horse training, natural horsemanship tips. Plus advice on relationship & confidence building with your horse. Discover trail riding, western, dressage, natural horsemanship, equine liberty work, polework training, groundwork, lateral movements & lots more! Elaine Heney is a #1 best-selling author, film producer at Grey Pony Films and director of the award-winning 'Listening to the Horse' documentary. She has helped over 120,000 horse owners in 113 countries to create awesome relationships with their horses.
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Pets & Animals, Sports

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38: The Forgotten Horse - AUDIO BOOK PREVIEW by Elaine Heney
Tuesday, 27 February, 2024

Hello, its Elaine Heney here. Please enjoy this audio book excerpt of the first few chapters of The Forgotten Horse. This book is one of 6 books in the Connemara series and is perfect for kids aged 8 plus and even their parents too! You can buy all the paperback books and the full audio books in this series at


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