The Profit Breakers Show  

The Profit Breakers Show

Money Marketing Conversations That Will Rock Your World

Author: Kim "#FunnelTrapQueen" McCarter

WARNING: Do not press play if you are looking for another podcast filled with strategies on how to grow a business. If marketing & money mindset hooked up for a crazy & wild night... their kid would be Profit Breakers. Its where you come to learn how your internal thoughts and beliefs are effecting the physical actions you are taking in your business. I am Kim McCarter - and before I became the Funnel Trap Queen I was a burnt out entrepreneur who was willing to sacrifice it all in order to hit my profit goals. One day I decided to ditch the hustle hard approach and life changed. Do you want more success? Do you want more wealth? Do you want more freedom? I get it... and I've been there. Its time to begin thinking according to who you are and more importantly, who you desire to be rather than how you've been taught. Profit Breakers is here to rock your world.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Management

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Success Without Hustle isn't what you think
Saturday, 12 January, 2019

It's a movement!f In the very first episode I want to share with you what it means to have entrepreneurial success without all work and no play.


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