Stirring the Cauldron  

Stirring the Cauldron

It's Bewitching!

Author: Marla Brooks

Host Marla Brooks stirs the cauldron every Thursday night at 9:00 PM ET on Para X with interesting guests from both the Pagan and Paranormal realms.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Religion & Spirituality

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Episode 850: Patricia Telesco-Cooking with the Kitchen Witch
Episode 850
Friday, 21 March, 2025

Patricia says our kitchen is a sacred space where you can elevate even the most mundane meal prep into meaningful ritual. She teaches you how to add a dash of enchantment to any meal whether you're working your magic with a slow cooker or firing up the grill.  With edible flowers, culinary correspondences, and recipes for the twelve sun signs, Patricia's illustrated book will help you unlock the hidden power in your pantry and take your kitchen witchery to new heights. On tonight's podcast we talked about culinary astrology, how to  bless and protect your kitchen, the fundamentals and goals, morsels of tips, and find out why you should never cook when you're angry. So put on your virtual aprons and get ready to feed your mind with some delicious culinary wisdom.


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