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Andy Frasco's World Saving PodcastAuthor: Andy Frasco
Celebrities, Music, Comedy, Life, and Love. Language: en Genres: Music, Music Interviews Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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EP 311: Andy & The Band
Episode 311
Monday, 17 March, 2025
Andy Frasco is back with a very special episode of The World Saving Podcast, in which he attempts to wrangle the buffonary that is his band: The U.N. Find out who the fresh meat is and while you're at it; catch up with them old dogs, too. But the real mystery? Where the hell did everyone else go?! Did they find Jesus? Join the circus? Escape to a remote island (nantucket) where Andy’s calls can’t reach them? Hmm... Maybe a little of column A thru C, huh? Expect debauchery, Kris Lager, and a deep dive into the inner workings (or dysfunctions) of the most unpredictable band in rock 'n' roll history. And if you’ve ever wondered what it takes to survive in The U.N., let’s just say you gotta have thick skin. So grab a drink, lower your expectations, and join us for a family reunion that’s less heartwarming than it is homoerotic. Now you can see these rock n' roll ding-dongs in color, should you choose to watch this episode *exclusively* on Volume.com We're psyched to partner up with our buddies at Volume.com! Check out their roster of upcoming live events and on-demand shows to enrich that sweet life of yours. Call, leave a message, and tell us who you think the essential American rock band is today: (720) 996-2403 Check out our new album!, L'Optimist on all platforms Follow us on Instagram @worldsavingpodcast For more information on Andy Frasco, the band and/or the blog, go to: AndyFrasco.com Produced by Andy Frasco, Nick Gerlach, Joe Angelhow, & Chris Lorentz Audio mix by Chris Lorentz Featuring: Mara Davis