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The X-Cast with XSPAuthor: Peajay Garcia
We talk to anybody and everybody. From Pastors to Musicians and Missionaries. Everyone has a story in their walks of life. Language: en Genres: Business, Non-Profit Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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X-Cast Xpress: Corpus Christi
Saturday, 9 April, 2022
#XSP #Xcast #corpus #christi #godvssatan #holyspirit #podcast #texas #submit #heart #seek #redemption #doortodoor #getting #sweaty #theyrelyingtoyou #social #issues #human #sacrifice #evangelism #pinebox #hiphop #rap #xtreme #street #preacher #murder #satanworship #traditions #escapefromhell #spanish New format here at the X-Cast. We will be doing this while the Covid-19 is active. We will be having many guests on that range from Pastors to Teachers to Artists to you name it. Its my goal to make this world smaller by bringing them together and letting people to tell their stories. if you feel like supporting monetarily you can do so through PayPal- demonslayerxsp@yahoo.com Cashapp- $xsp238 X-Cast with XSP https://open.spotify.com/show/120uWcD... The XSP-Xtreme Street Preacher https://open.spotify.com/artist/3Xcr9... A Burning Hope https://open.spotify.com/show/6zClzYX... Project Restore https://open.spotify.com/show/6LiZojF... More Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AFrL... https://initiumrecords.bandcamp.com/track/xtremist-splattered https://thexsp238.bandcamp.com Hope you enjoy the show there will be more to come. Like. Share. Support. Subscribe