Don't Sculley Around  

Don't Sculley Around

We produce an Apple podcast that presents views f

Author: CDW Videography

We produce an Apple podcast that presents views from both a consumer and Apple Repair and Sales point of view.
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Language: en

Genres: Technology

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Updates vs Upgrades and iOS
Wednesday, 23 January, 2019

At the 2007 MacWorld Steve Jobs took to the stage and announced a major leap forward revealing a new widescreen iPod with touch display, a phone, and an Internet communicator but these were not three separate products, they were a single product and it was of course iPhone. As part of this historic keynote Steve mentioned how all other mobile devices of the time were running on "baby operating systems" while the iPhone would run on Mac OSX. On this edition we discuss some of the history of iOS but our main discussion will cover some do's and don'ts for updating your mobile devices. We also explain the differences between a device update and a device upgrade. We will also touch on some interesting rumors that are coming down the pike and stabbing ourselves with our Apple Watches. All this and more on this edition of Don't Sculley Around!!!! Be sure to "LIKE" us on Facebook, "Subscribe" and leave a comment on iTunes, e-mail us "" and look for us on PodOmatic, Soundcloud and


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