PEDAL Centre  

PEDAL Centre

PEDAL Centre

Author: Cambridge University

PEDAL: Centre for Research on Play in Education, Development & Learning Sponsored by the Lego Foundation The guiding focus of the centres work is to develop substantial and compelling research concerned with the role of play and playfulness in young childrens learning and development, and the potential of play-based approaches within educational contexts. The kinds of skills and accomplishments that are widely recognised as being vital components of 21st century educational provision, including critical thinking, problem-solving, interpersonal abilities, emotional resilience and creativity, have all been linked theoretically and empirically to playfulness and playful learning. Nevertheless, the play opportunities for children living in modern urban environments (now the majority of children world-wide) are increasingly curtailed, both within their homes and communities and within their schooling. At the same time, play remains a relatively under-researched area within developmental science, with many fundamental questions still unanswered. It is the aim of the PEDAL research centre to contribute to the process of addressing these questions, and to work with educators and policy makers to inform practice and policy in relation to this evidence.
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Play In Green Spaces
Thursday, 6 May, 2021

Adults instinctively feel that playing outside is good for children, but what is actually known about the benefits of play in green spaces?


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