Mother in the Jungle  

Mother in the Jungle

Author: MitJ

Anyone who says being a parent is easy has clearly never been a parent. It's the highest demanding, lowest-paid job there is without a shortage of positions. Many times, other than holidays throughout the year, our positions are overlooked until they're in demand--but that's okay. We knew that when we signed up, and will continue because we care about how our children are raised. So no matter how we do it, I hope this channel provides relief, comedy, understanding, and tips in assisting you to be an even better parent. You are awesome, so congratulations on parenthood. You're doing it! Yay!
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

iTunes ID: Get it


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July 4th Surprise
Tuesday, 5 July, 2022

The fourth of July celebrates our country's togetherness, but sometimes that can be hard doing as a single parent. Rather than moping around, we need to create our new family traditions and remember that we all belong in this country, supporting each other.


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