The Possibility Pursuit Podcast  

The Possibility Pursuit Podcast

Author: Victory Bassey

Hi, welcome to the "Possibility Pursuit" Podcast with Victory Bassey, this podcast is dedicated to help you navigate uncertainties so you can be MORE productive and accomplish your goals and vision. Complexity does NOT have to stop you. Uncertainty does NOT have to cripple your progress. Overwhelm should NEVER weigh you down. It is possible to build a brand that is both fulfilling and profitable... And I am here to help you navigate through all the challenges and struggles! Get a free copy of my book to get started -
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Management

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Ep8 - How to Go from Idea to Desired Results Against All Odds
Episode 8
Tuesday, 14 May, 2024

What does it "really" take to go from "having an idea" to actually getting "your desired result" with that idea? There is always a gap (a super wide gap) between conceiving a idea and actualization your idea. In this episode of The Possibility Pursuit Podcast, I share the very first essential step that will help you against all odds to go from "idea" to "desired results". ================ Are you chasing after goals that seem to slip further away with each passing day? Do you have a burning idea but are struggling to transform it into tangible, desired results? The Breakthrough Inner Circle is the program you need. Find Out More about "The Breakthrough Inner Circle":


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