Talking Change with Jen and Rebecca  

Talking Change with Jen and Rebecca

Author: Jen Campbell

Change doesn't happen without a conversation! Join Jen and Rebecca as they work through the 20 pivotal conversations from Jen's book Talking Change: Must-Have Conversations for Successful Leaders. For each one you'll learn the purpose and approach, hear some of the key questions, and benefit from their experience and stories of facilitating these conversations with leaders and organizations to help them lead change that sticks. Only have two minutes to hear new tips for leading change? Listen to my other podcast - Two Minutes of Talking Change - for fresh ideas.
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Language: en-ca

Genres: Business, Management

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How to Use the Book - Talking Change: Must-Have Conversations for Successful Leaders
Episode 24
Thursday, 27 January, 2022

Talking Change: Must-Have Conversations for Successful Leaders is a great reference book to help you lead change that sticks - through conversation. There are three parts to the book: Part 1: The foundations of change, definitions, resistance, and why change is often challenging. Part 2: Why and how to have conversations and with whom.  Part 3: 20 pivotal conversations broken down into three sections (1) Self-Reflection Conversations - to uncover your approach to leading during change, (2) Planning and Managing Conversations - to plan and manage change with confidence, and (3) Engagement Conversations - to engage your employees and teams to build buy-in and commitment to change.  In all the other Talking Change with Jen and Rebecca podcast episodes we dive deep into each conversation to discuss why, when, and how to have it. Each conversation has a purpose - get out there and have them!  IMPROVE YOUR CHANGE GAME Are you managing or supporting a change initiative? Take the Leading Change for Project Managers course to build your confidence, skills, and toolbox to plan and manage change with ease. Are you leading a team through change – whether you chose the change or not? Bring the AIM Changer program to your organization – it will change the way you lead forever.


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