The Sacred EverydayWake Up to The Miracle of Ordinary Life Author: Mackenzie Chester
I want to wake up to the miracle of my ordinary life. My name is Mackenzie Chester, and I am a writer, a lifelong journaler, a wife and homeschooling Mama of eight children. I wake up every day with a desire to find beauty, to seek truth, and to live each moment with peace and purpose. If you are longing to find meaning and purpose behind the mundane rituals of your existence, I would love to invite you to pull up a chair, grab a cup of tea or a basket of laundry, and let's talk it over. Life is a gift. It is a miracle. Sometimes we have to search to find the sacred, but it is there... Every. Single. Day. Language: en-us Genres: Christianity, Kids & Family, Parenting, Religion & Spirituality Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Creative Family Culture: Interview with My Daughter, Rosanna Chester
Tuesday, 4 February, 2025
I am delighted to share this interview with my lovely 17-year-old daughter, Rosanna. Rosie is a singer-songwriter, and she has so many insightful things to say about creativity and inspiration, life in a big family, making time to do the things you love, and more. I am betting this will be your favorite episode of... Read More