I'm Coming Out  

I'm Coming Out

Author: Jonny Harvey

I'm Coming Out explores what it's like to grow up gay in a straight world. Every week a member of the LGBTQI community chats with Jonny Harvey about discovering and coming to terms with their sexuality, and the steps they took to move out of the shadows and lead a more authentic life.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Sexuality

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#20 Gabi & Shanna from 27 Travels on why gay representation is so important & experiencing homophobia in NYC
Episode 26
Saturday, 20 February, 2021

Gabi and Shanna are two travel bloggers from New York City. I’ve been following them for some time now on Instagram and living vicariously through them as they traverse the globe on their far-flung travels. I interviewed them remotely of course a few weeks back and we chatted about; Shana’s Catholic upbringing, experiencing homophobia at home in New York City, their plans to open a cafe and to have a beach-house in the Caribbean one day, our shared admiration of Hilary Duff and lots of other things. This is the first podcast I recorded over Zoom and I wish I had done more trial runs on the app first. I would’ve preferred if the audio was better. It’s not perfect but it’s pretty decent. You can contact me by emailing me at and follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook @imcomingoutpod If you enjoyed this episode (which I really hope you did) please leave a rating, review and subscribe as it really helps me and other people to discover the podcast. Thanks :)


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