Scott and Sadie's Debate of the DayWelcome to recreational, no-contact, no-harm/no-foul arguing. You know what they say about opinions: Yup, everyone has one and they all smell just as bad! The Debate of the Day is where our opinions will be expressed and stink the place up. Welcome!... Author: Big 97.9 (KXBG-FM)
Welcome to recreational, no-contact, no-harm/no-foul arguing. You know what they say about opinions: Yup, everyone has one and they all smell just as bad! The Debate of the Day is where our opinions will be expressed and stink the place up. Welcome! And PLEASE feel free to express yours on the Debate of the Day page at! Language: en Genres: News, News Commentary Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000