Plastic Surgery Experts  

Plastic Surgery Experts

Author: Asra Hashmi

Plastic Surgery Experts is an online educational platform, with a series of audio publications aimed at providing practical and up to date knowledge to young plastic surgeons and trainees. We focus on standard of care, emerging ideas, nuances and immense experience of experts in the field, to provide a reference for the management of surgical pathologies of varied level of complexity. Our goal is to make your downtime the most productive part of your day.
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Health & Fitness, Medicine

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Facial Feminization Surgery with Dr. Luis Capitán (Facialteam)
Sunday, 1 August, 2021

This episode will give you a detailed description of Dr. Luis Capitán’s approach towards Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS). We will get into great detail about patient selection, preoperative assessment and planning, surgical techniques, and adjuncts for successful Facial Feminization Surgery. Lastly, we will discuss management of some common complications of FFS.


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