Garrett Girls  

Garrett Girls

Author: Garrett Girls

Join Bella and El and get pretty pissed off at the patriarchy with us... discussing topics from pick me girls and internalised misogyny to porn and rape culture, dont listen to this if youre not prepared to have your anger levels slightly raised, but with plenty of giggles along the way. Join us every Saturday for a new episode, we hope you enjoy!
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Language: en

Genres: News, Politics

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NEW FLASH women are more than just sex objects; male gaze Vs female gaze
Episode 7
Sunday, 8 August, 2021

Hello everyone! After a long break we are so glad to be back! Both El and I have missed the podcast so much, but we are back on track with some sweet, sweet feminist rants for you.  In this weeks episode we break down the male gaze and how it affects us all. From female sexualisation in movies to how Edward Cullen is the personification of the male gaze. We suggest ways of battling Mr Cullen and consider some pretty interesting questions surrounding femininity and androgyny.  Stay tuned and we really hope you enjoy!  Love, El and Bella 


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