The Fluency Stairs Podcast  

The Fluency Stairs Podcast

Author: Isaac

There is cause and effect for everything and like causes produce like effects. Therefore there is a certain way of learning that leads to absolute language fluency.These are ; 1.Learning with a certain mindset, 2.Learning with a certain skillset and, 3.Learning with a certain toolset. The Fluency stairs podcast will take you step-by-step up the stairs of the certain way of learning that produce nothing but absolute fluency.
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Language Learning

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Your Mind And Second Language Learning
Episode 5
Friday, 17 April, 2020

Your mind is a super biological computer, so it is crucial to learn its operating system As you already know, computer programs are run by something called the operating system. And this suggests that to be able to use a computer to its full capacity and function, you have got to know the operating system running the computer. Now, if a computer is run by an operating system, and a computer was made base on the blueprint of the brain, then what is the operating system of the brain? You see, the prime objective function of the brain is to ensure survival. The brain works to make sure that you survive, that you thrive. And language plays an indispensable role in this. This episode talks about how the brain receives and responds to new inputs from a foreign language. --- Send in a voice message:


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