Frontier Space  

Frontier Space

Author: Kole Lutz

Frontier Space is a research organisation and podcast listened to in 80 countries with entrepreneurs and researchers advancing engineering, climate action, materials science, biotechnology, and space systems. Our Podcast host Kole Lutz is the cofounder of startups such as Magneto Space. The Podcast helps push the envelope of science and development of life on Earth and beyond.
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Language: en

Genres: Science

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Breakthrough in Cell Biology and Neuroscience in 2023
Friday, 3 May, 2024

Study 1: Researchers at harvard changed regions within mitochondria in humans and mouse cells. Mouse cells produce protein faster through mRNA translation than human cells while embryos develop at different speeds between species. Lazaro et al, 2023, A stem cell zoo uncovers intracellular scaling of developmental tempo across mammals. Cell Stem Cell Study 2: WIth a lot more going on than just ATP production, study suggests mitochondria's role in timing of nervous systems.They discovered Mitochondria is as pacemaker of speed of development in cells Ryohei Iwata et al. ,Mitochondria metabolism sets the species-specific tempo of neuronal development.Science379,eabn4705(2023).DOI:10.1126/science.abn4705


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