De bigotes y huellitas  

De bigotes y huellitas

Un espacio para tratar temas de medicina veterinaria y nuestras mascotas. Un lugar para compartir experiencias, dudas, opiniones y curiosidades de aquellos con bigotes y huellitas :)
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Episodio 2: desventajas y beneficios de tener una mascota
Episode 2
Tuesday, 12 May, 2020

Un tema interesante: ¿Qué riesgos conlleva? ¿Cómo nos beneficia tener una mascota? ¿Es verdad que nos hacen más felices o sociales? ¿Más sanos? Referencias: 1. Ramírez, M. T. G., & Hernández, R. L. (2011). Diferencias en estrés percibido, salud mental y física de acuerdo al tipo de relación humano-perro. Revista Colombiana de Psicología, 20(1), 75-86 • 2. Stull JW, Brophy J, Weese JS. Reducing the risk of pet-associated] • 3. Cherniack EP, Cherniack AR. The benefit of pets and animal-assisted therapy to the health of older individuals. Curr Gerontol Geriatr Res 2014;2014:623203. • 4. Yabroff KR, Troiano RP, Berrigan D. Walking the dog: Is pet ownership associated with physical activity in California? J Phys Act Health 2008;5:216–28. • 5. Friedmann E, Thomas SA. Pet ownership, social support, and one-year survival after acute myocardial infarction in the cardiac arrhythmia suppression trial (CAST). Am J Cardiol1995;76:1213–7. • 6. Friedmann E, Thomas SA, Son H. Pets, depression and long term survival in community living patients following myocardial infarction. • 7. Parker GB, Gayed A, Owen CA, et al. Survival following an acute coronary syndrome: a pet theory put to the test. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2010;121:65–70.] • 8. Martin F, Farnum J. Animal-assisted therapy for children with pervasive developmental disorders. West J Nurs Res 2002;24: 657–70. 9. Cherniack, E. Paul, and Ariella R. Cherniack. "Assessing the benefits and risks of owning a pet." CMAJ 187.10 (2015): 715-716. 10. Christian, Hayley, et al. "Pets Are Associated with Fewer Peer Problems and Emotional Symptoms, and Better Prosocial Behavior: Findings from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children." The Journal of Pediatrics (2020).


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