Let's Fix Monday: Create A Career You Love  

Let's Fix Monday: Create A Career You Love

Author: Cheryl Alexander

Lets Fix Monday is a podcast for smart women who are feeling stuck in their career. If you are feeling unfulfilled in a job youve outgrown, looking to make a job or career change, or feeling overwhelmed and anxious at work, this podcast is for you. Career Coach, Cheryl Alexander, will share inspiration, strategies, tools and tactics to help you have greater productivity, success, happiness, purpose, balance, contribution and fulfillment to create a career and life you love. From discovering what you want to do in life and changing careers, to moving through failures and navigating day to day challenges at work, to making an impact and realizing your potential - we will cover a wide range of topics to help you get inspired, gain confidence and have some laughs along the way. Cheryl Alexander's goal is to guide you on the path towards creating a career that helps you feel that spark of excitement on Monday morning. Subscribe now so you dont miss an episode. Have a question or topic youd like to see covered in the show? Go to
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Careers, Health & Fitness

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33. Taming Anxiety During a Pandemic
Monday, 23 March, 2020

If you find yourself struggling with anxiety, fear and overwhelm, don’t miss this episode.  Learn about what causes anxiety and how our brains and bodies operate in a state of fear and overwhelm.  I’ll also share some practical tools and exercises that can help you respond rather than react, and find more peace and calm when facing the unknown.  


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