

My Spelling Sucks is an unedited discussion about my ADD and Dyslexia and my daughter's Cerebral palsy. We are now adding blog talk radio segments highlighting

Author: myspellingsucks

My Spelling Sucks is an unedited discussion about my ADD and Dyslexia and my daughter's Cerebral palsy. We are now adding blog talk radio segments highlighting interviews with people who have been successful who have ADD, Dyslexia or CP. We will also interview experts who do some form of work related to these 3 areas of interest.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness

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Bill Allen - Dyslexic author, coach and Teacher
Friday, 7 August, 2009

As a child, Bill Allen experienced great difficulty in learning to read and struggled to be successful in school. He worked hard to earn his BBA from Georgia State University. Facing continued learning difficulties in his adult years, Bill moved through 42 different jobs in 20 years, always moving on when his dyslexic reading and writing limitations produced overwhelming stress as he advanced in a job. In his 40s, Bill learned how to solve his own learning and reading difficulties with the techniques of a popular and successful learning program of the time. He then began to tutor children and developed tools to empower them to learn to read. During the next 8 years, Bill personally tutored more than 150 children. They and their parents traveled - often great distances - to work intensively with Bill for five days, one child at a time. The program he used were costly and required months of lengthy follow up at home. Therefore, the program’s results were available only to those who could afford it. Intuitively, Bill knew that an easier and more cost effective way had to be created to help every child who has difficulty learning to read - and he was committed to finding the solution to this dilemma. Bill’s creative, dyslexic mind went to work solving this problem and designing multiple solutions. Ultimately, "The Learning to Read Program" was created so that every family could stay home and teach their children to read. Bill, it has been said, has unlocked the code and, plainly, he can give you (even if you’re a parent yearning for help for your struggling child) the keys you need to enable your own child! Bill and I will discuss his personal history, the challenges he has had, how he developed his company and the successes his program has had.


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