The Personal Excellence Podcast  

The Personal Excellence Podcast

Be your best self, Live your best life

Author: Celestine Chua

Hi, Im Celes, the founder of Personal Excellence, one of the top personal development blogs in the world. The Personal Excellence Podcast is about how to live your best life in todays world. I share practical tips on personal growth, from improving your personal productivity, to achieving happiness, to dealing with lifes setbacks. Lets get started!
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Language: en-us

Genres: Education, Health & Fitness, Mental Health, Self-Improvement

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Nobody Loves Me
Wednesday, 13 March, 2019

Have you ever felt this way before? That nobody loves you? If so, you're not alone. I've felt that nobody loves me before, and in fact felt this way during many of my down moments in the past, such as times when I felt neglected or pushed aside. It was only lately that I learned to break out of this thinking pattern, and today I want to share how you can do so too. In this latest episode of The Personal Excellence Podcast, I share Why there has been a lack of updates lately (and my apologies about it!) [0:22] Why I would feel that nobody loves me [2:47] How I addressed this negative thinking pattern, and how you can too [4:49] Why it's not true that nobody loves you [5:26] Where true self-love should come from [10:48] Why celebrities face self-love issues despite having the love of millions of fans [12:13] What happens when you pursue a relationship for the sake of feeling loved [13:17] Getting to the root of why you think "nobody loves me" [15:21] My childhood experiences that led me to this belief [16:08] Times when I was bullied in school [20:19] How I resolved these negative memories [23:31] My gratitude to you guys [28:52] An exercise for you to dig into the belief "nobody loves me" [30:35] How to start building up your self-love [34:51] Why there is no dichotomy between self-love and personal growth [37:14] My reminder to you [38:36] Listen to the podcast via my online player, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, TuneIn, Amazon Music, or subscribe directly to my RSS feed. The Personal Excellence PodcastShow Menu Podcast Subscription Menu Listen on iTunesListen on SpotifyListen on GoogleListen on TuneInListen on CastboxListen on PocketCastsListen on OvercastSubscribe via RSSNobody Loves MeShow Podcast Information If you've found The Personal Excellence Podcast useful, I'd really appreciate it if you can leave an honest rating and review on iTunes. Your review makes a difference and will help spread the message of conscious living to the world. Thank you! Nobody Loves Me [Transcript] Welcome to The Personal Excellence Podcast. The show that's all about helping you be your best self and live your best life. Now, your host, Celestine Chua! Celestine Chua: Welcome to The Personal Excellence Podcast Episode 17, I'm Celes from! First off, I want to apologize for the slow updates in the past months, if not year. For those of you who are not on the PE newsletter, do join -- it's at Even though there haven't been many updates on the blog, I've been sending out email updates that are not posted on the blog. So maybe you don't see as many updates there but there have been emails sent out -- sometimes weekly, sometimes fortnightly, sometimes monthly. If you are on the newsletter, you'll get access to all of that including announcements of live courses that I'm running. All that said, I totally recognize that there has been a lack of updates on PE. A large part is because I've been busy working on things in my personal life. Things that I feel are important, that deserve my full attention, as opposed to repeatedly running in a rat wheel and working on things that are urgent but may not be as important. I felt that I needed to take time out to work on these things. But I want to let you know that I have not abandoned PE. Not at all. Those of you who are longtime readers will know that PE is my life. It is what I'll be doing for the rest of my life, and I've just been taking this temporary time out to work on personal things, personal issues, which I look forward to sharing more in time to come. I want you to know that I'm here to stay and I'm not going anywhere. :) Thank you for your positive reviews on Tunes -- reading them has really inspired me. In fact, I was thinking what new content to produce -- Should write a new article? Create a new podcast? Or create a new video? -- and reading all your podcast reviews has inspired me...


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