Nihongo SWiTCH  

Nihongo SWiTCH

Author: Iku Yamamoto

Do you want to immerse yourself in the Japanese language? If so, Nihongo SWiTCH is for you! Every Tuesday, the Japanese language tutor Iku Yamamoto talks entirely in her native language about everyday topics related to the language and culture. This podcast is created for intermediate and advanced learners to add more Nihongo time into their daily lives. Nihongo SWiTCH will improve your:- listening comprehension- vocabulary - grammar usage- intonation and pronunciation. You can watch all episodes with Japanese subtitles on YouTube. In addition to it, transcripts and vocab-lists are available at . Are you ready to flip your Nihongo SWiTCH? Hit now! *Music from Emidemic Sound
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Language: ja

Genres: Education, Hobbies, Language Learning, Leisure

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

iTunes ID: Get it

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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