Chuck 'N Ann on Finance"Chuck n' Ann on Finance" is a fast-paced financial show with Catholic hosts, Chuck and Annie Fulkerson. Each week they'll cover what happened in the markets and why, pull some news headlines (always including some news-of-the-weird), drop some knowledge
"Chuck n' Ann on Finance" is a fast-paced financial show with Catholic hosts, Chuck and Annie Fulkerson. Each week they'll cover what happened in the markets and why, pull some news headlines (always including some news-of-the-weird), drop some knowledge on well-known and lesser-known financial topics with a fresh perspective and entertaining explanations, deliver ways to plan for the future and be a good steward of the money in your account. Language: en-us Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Chuck n’ Ann on Finance - Episode 36
Tuesday, 18 September, 2018
This week on Chuck n' Ann on Finance: How might the tariffs affect your portfolio? How do the tariffs compare to the breadth and depth of the overall economy? Will they make a splash? We analyze and opine. *NEW* Video Series on "Faith and Finance" launched! How can we be faithful to the Gospel message when it comes to our finances? In these "byte"-sized videos, you'll discover how all people are called to handle both capital and labor, whether you are a boss, an employee, rich, poor, prosperous, or not. Videos are posted here in our video section of our media page, on our other website "Salt and Light," and on YouTube. Subscribe to our weekly newsletter here: and check out Chuck's daily market commentary on YouTube for an insight into how Chuck analyzes the markets: Visit us online at and call 832-953-4998 to discuss your investment plan with Chuck, a uniquely Catholic Christian financial advisor. #RerumNovarum