Eros Mama The Podcast with Megan Lambert  

Eros Mama The Podcast with Megan Lambert

Author: Megan D Lambert

How do you prioritize desire and sensuality in motherhood? How can you keep that spark alive while balancing being lovers and co-parents? What can you do to discover your deepest desires and aliveness in motherhood? These are a few of the questions we explore in Eros Mama, a podcast dedicated to helping you tune into your sensuality, desires, and eros as a mama.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Kids & Family, Parenting, Sexuality

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S3E7: Mother Rage is Important Wisdom
Episode 7
Friday, 8 November, 2024

What is your relationship to anger like? Have you experienced more anger since becoming a mother?   If you have, you aren’t alone. There is a unique flavor of anger I call “mother rage” that pops up while tending to little ones. It has important insights for us - if we are willing to listen.    Anger can be scary, but it is also a valuable teacher, pointing out our deepest values and tenderest places. We get angry about issues that matter to us, areas that need to change. For that reason, anger is one of my favorite emotions - and a potent force for transformation.    In this solo episode, I share what I’m angry about currently, as well as how I work with that anger in myself and in my clients.    I hope this episode helps you breathe a sigh of relief next time you feel angry - and get curious enough to listen to anger’s wisdom.  


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