Absolute Medical  

Absolute Medical

Author: Sandra and Priyesh

The enigma of medical school, particularly during these unprecedented COVID times is what you are curious about and what we want to discuss. Online medical school, Caribbean IMG programs, healthcare fields and the trials and tribulations most medical students will face will be our topics of conversation. Join us, your hosts Sandra and Priyesh as we dive deep into juicy medical topics, helpful hints & interviews with doctors from different walks of life. Sit back, relax & tune into Absolute Medical. We guarantee you will learn something new every episode.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Medicine

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Just Keep Swimming
Monday, 30 August, 2021

On this episode we have our very own classmate Eman Al Haddad. Eman is going to be a MD4 at St. James School of Medicine. Tune in to listen to her background in healthcare, the advice she has to give to incoming students, and most importantly discusses time management in medical school.


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