Try Can Do  

Try Can Do

Author: Arty Bryja

My entire life has been about experimenting with myself and my behavior. My goal is to learn as much as possible in the short time we have in this life. If I can Manage to try something new then realize I can do it then execute and actually do it, my life will be full and successful. I wont have any regrets because I will know that I tried. What I offer to you id the chance to learn from my mistake and to encourage you to try new things for yourself. you never know what you might end up liking.
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Self-Improvement

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Growth Strategies for 2020 with ZERO Budget
Episode 8
Thursday, 2 January, 2020

In today's video. I'm going to be talking about growth strategies for 2020 starting with zero budget. Do you have a plan for this year? Do you even know what you want to talk about? If you don't have a plan to get through this year and be successful. Please listen to this video. I'm going to go through every single topic that you need to like laser focus on what you want to do and what you want to accomplish. If you're new here, welcome to the channel. My name is Arty. I help motivate you to get things done. I help you overcome obstacles in your life that get in the way of you getting to where you want to get. Okay, if you haven't watched yesterday's video. I've proposed a challenge for 2020 creating one piece of content on YouTube every single day. If you haven't signed up already, link down below to my website. It's a simple sign-up sheet put in your email, the number of subscribers you have, and your channel name. We're going to track every single week the amount of growth you have on your YouTube channel. It's a fun way to Keep yourself motivated and to keep others motivated and to create a sense of competition that you want to outdo somebody else. In this video, I'm going to show you five things that you absolutely need to do to get this right this year. I've time-stamped all the things below. So if you want to skip one, go to the other one, see what's most valuable for you. Okay, let's get into it.


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