Weird Web Radio  

Weird Web Radio

Author: Lonnie Scott

Weird Web Radio explore the Paranormal and Occult. Join your host, Lonnie Scott, as we uncover secrets of the weird and magical! Featuring interviews with Ghost Hunters, Paranormal Investigators, Witches, Tarot Readers, Film Makers, Artists, Authors, and even people like you who want to share your paranormal stories!
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Genres: Education, Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

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Episode 106 - Charlie Larson - Anubis & Witchcraft
Episode 106
Sunday, 16 February, 2025

Hey Gang! Welcome to Weird Web Radio! This episode features Charlie Larson talking about The Egyptian God Anubis / Anpu. Charlies has a new book out titled Anubis―Ancient Egypt’s Lord of Death and Protection. CHARLIE'S BIO: Charlie Larson, M.A. has been a practicing witch and eclectic pagan since a teen. He holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Linguistics and has been a writer and educator for most of his adult life. He is passionate about nature, ancestral magick, energy healing, and shadow work. He is a priest of Anubis and works closely with Hekate and other deities. He has been a leader in his coven since the 2000s, and he has written and taught in various online communities since 2016. He currently resides in California. You can connect with him at Charlie On The Web: Main Site - Enjoy the show! Stay Weird! Want to know what Charlie and I Talk about in the bonus portion?! Join here! It's time to sport a new look? Hell yes! Check out the Official Weird Web Radio Store for Shirts, Hoodies, Hats, and more! You can also come join the Facebook discussion group here: New Instagram for Weird Web Radio! Follow for unique content and videos! You can make a One-Time Donation to help support the show and show some love! Is this show worth a dollar to you? How about five dollars? Help support this podcast! That gets you into the Weird Web Radio membership where the extra goodies appear! Join the membership at or at and click Join the Membership! SHOW NOTES: SUBSCRIBE ON Apple Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts, and Spotify! Also streaming on mobile apps for podcasts! Intro voice over by Lothar Tuppan. Outro voice over by Lonnie Scott Intro & Outro Music by Nine Inch Nails on the album ‘7’, song title ‘Ghost’, under Creative Commons License.


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