Keys to Courage  

Keys to Courage

Author: Amy Perkins

In 2016, after the death of my college best friend, I woke up. On the path to my awakening, I walked away from my 25-year career. To get to that place took creating a new me. My journey started with a gift. A key, engraved with the word BELIEVE. We all deserve to live a life that sets our soul on fire. I found the key to unlock that future for us all. Join me. BELIEVE... it's the key to everything. -
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

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Get help BEFORE a crisis- Our story
Episode 1
Sunday, 26 March, 2023

If you are considering a coach for your high achiever teen that is overwhelmed, email me at keystocourage@gmail.comIt's such a joy to empower these kids with the tools they need to alleviate anxiety while maximizing their potential. If your teen needs help with depression or to process trauma please consider finding a professional therapist in your area. You very well may save their life. Seeking help is a sign of strength. 


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