Virtual Office Hours with Commissioner Nicole WilsonAuthor: Commissioner Nicole Wilson
Welcome to the audio version of our weekly check-in show! Each week, Commissioner Wilson and her staff go live on Facebook to recap recent events and break down pressing issues facing our district. Our aim is to pull back the curtain of local government and show Orange County Residents what goes on behind the scenes once an elected official is sworn into office. Language: en Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it Trailer: |
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July 21, 2022: BCC and Budget Updates
Thursday, 21 July, 2022
It's been a busy couple of weeks in Commissioner Wilson's office, and we're here to catch you all up! Since our last check-in, we had an eventful BCC meeting and county budget hearings, a Sunshine Meeting mix-up, and many district-specific events. Please send your comments or questions to and stay connected by signing up for our newsletter at the bottom of!