PhotograholicsPhotograholics Author: InstaPod Network
Join us to discuss the world of Photography and our love for it from the cameras themselves to platforms such as Instagram and how to get yourself known on the web for Photography. Join Josh Deakin and other Guest Hosts (Previously Elliot of @HumanNuture IG in Series 1) as we explore the Photography World and Instagram/Photo Social Media. This Podcast is in Collaboration with London Enthusiast, the London Based Instagram Hub and Community. Language: en-us Genres: Technology Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Ep3: Let's Talk Photography Editing and Editing Styles!
Sunday, 17 December, 2017
In this episode 3 of Photograholics we discuss Editing photos in it's purest and professional forms from Mobile (Snapseed,etc) to Desktop Applications (Lightroom CC and Photoshop CC) and the styles of editing both Josh and Elliott follow and use in their Photos for Instagram. We also discuss some unique ways of making your photos stand out even more and also automation options in Photoshop CC such as batch editing. All this and more in Ep3!