Elevated Consciousness  

Elevated Consciousness

Expanding Consciousness and Empowerment

Author: Alessandro - Guided Light Healing

Have you ever felt like there had to be some unseen force keeping your desired successes perpetually out of reach? That you have done better than what was required yet time and time again you are met with discouragement? That voice deep inside you was right. Consider what it would mean to you to know undoubtedly that you were not the reason for your shortcomings. That it was the false understandings that you inherited from those who were tasked with teaching you all these years. Your whole life is about to open up for you. There are Scientific Energetic Spiritual Laws and Principals of this universe that were never taught to you. They explain how all matter is shaped in this universe, including situations we experience, circumstances we find ourselves in, and people's treament of us. Laws like gravity, that even if we ignore them, it will still keep us from taking flight. Why we are unaware of these laws today is because we have lacked the consciousness to access this information and understanding until now. Our limiting, low conscious thoughts and programs have made it impossible for us to understand this universe in the same expansive way Christ and Buddha did. I want to unlock a whole new world of endless possibility for you. I want to share with you the knowledge that Source has of how this universe really works. I want to show you how to reach higher levels of conscious understanding that will unlock the most remarkable relationships in your life. That can unlock your ability to heal your body. That will bring about success in career when you choose for it to come Aligning you to a future where it finally feels like your world is conspiring for your every desire, not against them. Through the integration of Science and Spiritual at this never before accessed conscious level, you will begin to have the life you knew deep inside should have been possible. Through raising your conscious understanding of this universe and how it actually works, you will be able to
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Language: en

Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Science, Spirituality

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A Source Understanding of Our Bodies and Diet
Episode 59
Monday, 29 April, 2024

***Important*** Before Listening See Prerequisite EpisodesIt's Time to Start Balancing your Perceptions like God. Ep22We Got it all wrong about Animals Ep32It's Time to Learn about Reflections and how You will Master Your Life with Them. EP35Beliefs and Identities can be a tricky thing. They have the ability to hijack our actions and lives before we even know what’s happening. We need to protect our Spiritual Growth like it’s the most important thing in our lives because, to most of us, it actually is.This episode has a high likelihood of challenging some things that may have become a part of your identity. In order to properly understand it there are some episodes that you should have listened to first.The truth does not need justification. It will always stand on its own. False ideas take a lot of commitment and effort and in the end, the truth always rises to the top. This information will make its way to the top of your knowing when it’s time.The truth will always be freeing. It in the end will open our lives to limitless potentials.It’s time to shed light and Source truth on how our bodies really work. How they were built and how this world is designed to wake us up and support our conscious expansion. One of the greatest ways to tap into our potentials is to give our bodies the nourishment they were designed for.A lot of the standard diet was not set up for our benefit. It was to make an industry for things that had no real value but were available in mass. Today a lot of our diet and future food sources are designed to quiet our dreams and aspirations. To physically change our bodies in undesirable ways. Whether it is being done on purpose or as a result of not knowing better it has no place in your lives. Your soul path/ soul pull comes with obligations. One of them is to be the best version of yourself in order to give your Devine plan its best shot of succeeding in the world. In this episode, we are going to get the Source facts on how our bodies are designed and how they are meant to be fueled. The results will align you with superhuman abilities in the brain and in the body. This is an episode that is going to change everything for you.In this episode:Coming Soon...If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content. you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.


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