The Dungeon Masters  

The Dungeon Masters

Author: The Dungeon Masters

The Dungeon Masters are longtime nerds, artists, kinksters and friends. Pirate and Sebastian have been co creating experiences in pleasure, pain and play together for over 6 years after meeting in the confines of one of San Francisco's most famous castles. Now they get to share a combined 30 years of experience and help people avoid the pitfalls they've crawled out of.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Sexuality

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Session 4: Revenge of The Strahd
Episode 5
Thursday, 15 October, 2020

We're Back for SPOOKTOBER!!!! That's right, spooky scary skeletons send shivers down your spines as Pirate and Deacon sit down to talk shop on the upcoming finale battle for a 2 year campaign, how to make boss encounters dynamic, how NOT to TPK your groups (mostly) and the importance of voting! Buckle up buttercups, this one is SPOILER HEAVY for the Curse of Strahd module! ROLL HIGH!


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