ESL in Ho Chi Minh City  

ESL in Ho Chi Minh City

Teaching English in Ho Chi Minh City

Author: ESL in Ho Chi Minh City

ESL podcasts from the heart of Vietnam; written by a Vietnamese English teacher and taught by an American teacher.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Education, Language Learning

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Idiom Quiz
Saturday, 30 July, 2011

Contact us here or at for the answers and additional information. 1- Which of these expressions mean "at a time in the future"? some day one of these days one of those days these days 2- Which of these sayings would you like to hear? That'll be the day Your days are numbered This is definitely not my day You made my day 3- Which is the odd one out? all day and everyday day in, day out day by day day after day 4- Which one means "from the beginning"? from day to day from one day to the next from day one from that day forth 5- When you are getting married, you certainly ... ? end your days name the day save for a rainy day have seen better days 6- Which of these animals can be eaten? a home bird a fatted calf a cold fish a sitting duck 7- Which does not mean “to have a lot of money”? in the money have money to burn made of money on the money 8- Which guy is rich? Thomas Achilles Midas Alec 9- Who is the most wanted by girls? Uncle Sam Prince Charming plain Jane John Q. Public 10- Which is the odd one out? Mr Parkinson Mr Big Mr Nice Guy Mr Right 11- Which means "money is not important"? Money is nothing Money is no problem Money is no object Not for love or money 12- Which doesn't emphasize the power of money? Money makes the world go round Money talks Money makes money A golden key opens every door 13- Which has nothing to do with money literally? on the money value for money have your money’s worth have a good run for your money 14- Which of the following isn't about money? golden handshake peanuts goose egg nest egg 15- Which means lots of money; money earned with hard work? easy money pin money good money money for old rope 16- How should you spend your money? throw money around put your money where your mouth is spend money like water money burns a hole in your pocket 17- Complete this proverb " A miss is …" as happy as the day is long as pretty as a picture as cool as a cucumber as good as a mile 18- Which noun can go with “black and white”? elephant sheep spot issue 19- What can't you bite? teeth fingernails tongue lip 20- Complete this proverb "Better the devil you know than…" a country bumpkin the black sheep of the family the devil you don't the devil's advocate 21- Which one did not originate from Latin? bona fide alumnus carpe diem fait accompli 22- When having your picture taken, you have to say when say cheese say what say the word 23- Who is important? the back-room boys the boys in blue the boy next door the blue-eyed boy 24- Which "old" in these expression is "old, ancient”? old flame old woman old man old maid 25- What would you say if you do not believe what somebody has said? a tall story a sob story a likely story a cock-and-bull story 26- Which one is not close to ""What a life!"" in meaning? Such is life This is the life That’s life C’est la vie 27- Which one doesn’t mean “talk a lot”? talk a hind leg off a donkey talk a blue streak talk nineteen to the dozen talk turkey 28- Which “talk” do couples prefer? talk big talk dirty talk shop talk back 29- Which of these two expressions are similar? facts and figures the facts of life the birds and the bees the fact of the matter 30- Which “big” isn’t good? big cheese big name big mouth big fish Review our previous podcasts for the answers and contact us to check your work.


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