DARK: Chats About SpaceAuthor: James Wilkins
Space is kind of a big deal, right? In fact it's the biggest thing there is, unless we're part of a multi-verse in which case it's not the biggest thing at all. But relatively speaking, it's still mind bogglingly huge. For that reason, I thought it deserved it's own podcast where each episode I might talk to different people about space - authors, astro-biologists, astro-physicists, presenters, olfactory experts (it'll make sense when you hear the episode.) Language: en Genres: Natural Sciences, Science Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Ep 7. Chatting Ex_Machina, Annihilation & Brian Cox's Live Tour with Andrew Whitehurst
Tuesday, 2 July, 2019
Andrew Whitehurst is the Oscar Winning Visual Effects expert who has worked on Ex_Machina, Annhiliation and Brian Cox's live tour - we had a conversation at DNEG's offices about working with Brian Cox, the technicalities of creating black holes and his work on Alex Garland's wonderful 2018 film Annihilation. As always, this podcast is brought to you by my very own book DARK: The A To Z Of Astronomy And The Cosmos - it's part universe explainer, part graphic design coffee table fodder with a bespoke piece of artwork by Andreas Brooks for each and every letter of the astronomical alphabet. You can pledge for a copy here and help it to get to 100%! www.unbound.com/books/dark