Author: Janie Budnick

The #1 Podcast for Pet Parents in St. Louis!We are ferocious pet lovers here in the 'Lou and we finally have a place to get our fix along with introductions to the coolest pet people and stories in St. Louis.Subscribe to StL UNLEASHED so you won't miss any episodes.This podcast is brought to you by 4-Legged Kids - St. Louis' #1 Dog Walking and Pet Sitting service.
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Episode #36: Tracy Rumpf with Second Chance - Seniors Aren't Disposable!
Thursday, 11 May, 2023

Tracy Rumpf had over a decade of work in rescue before she founded Second Chance Ranch. Second Chance is a senior home and hospice sanctuary based in High Ridge in northern Jefferson County. Second Chance Rescue is celebrating two great years and is looking for volunteers to help with their needs and attend their upcoming anniversary party and events. 1. The Fulfilling Purpose of Rescuing Animals with Tracy Rump of Second Chance Ranch (00:00 - 05:49) 2. Tackling Challenges of Starting an Animal Sanctuary (05:49 - 11:32) 3. Second Chance Ranch: Giving Pets Their Best Life (11:32 - 17:06) 4. Providing the Best Life for Senior Dogs at Second Chance Ranch (17:06 - 22:31) 5. Senior Dog Sanctuary - Redesigning for Improved Functionality (22:32 - 28:01) 6. Stand Up for Dogs: Second Chance Ranch's Educational Events to Help Missouri's Animals (28:02 - 33:29) 7. Second Chance: Celebrating the Two Year Anniversary (33:29 - 36:13) Links talked about in this podcast: Second Chance Ranch Ford Bronco RaffleSTL UNLEASHED is the #1 podcast for pet parents in St. Louis! We are ferocious pet lovers here in the 'Loe ad we finally have a place to get our fix along with introductions to the coolest pet people and stories in St. Louis and around the globe. Subscribe to STL UNLEASHED so you won't miss any episode drops! You can also view our podcasts and listen ON OUR WEBSITE This podcast is brought to you by 4-Legged Kids - St. Louis' #1 Dog Walking and Pet Sitting service. 


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