Bright Wings: Childrens Books to Make the Heart Soar  

Bright Wings: Childrens Books to Make the Heart Soar

Author: Charity Hill

How do you know a good book when you see it? What books are really worth reading? The purpose of this conversation is to help mothers and fathers identify books that will liberate their children to embrace truth, goodness, and beauty. Well be pondering questions of life and lifestyle as we seek to become people who live deeply and read deeply, drawing our children into the adventure of reading and living.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Education, How To, Kids & Family, Parenting

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Reading The Aeneid Together: Aeneid Book 3 and Book 4
Wednesday, 6 November, 2024

Ready for more? Don't lose your nerve--keep reading the Aeneid with Charity! Take a closer look at Book 3 and Book 4. Let's wonder together: Why does Virgil have Aeneas sail around so much before meeting Dido? Before landing in Italy? Why is Aeneas lingering so long in Carthage? Is Aeneas a hero or an unfaithful lover? More than a year ago, Charity hoped to bring you along with her as she read and taught some of the great texts of the Western Tradition. Finally, you can. Read in community with Charity and discover what are some of the unique plot points, themes, characters, and quotations from Book 3 and Book 4 of Homer's Aeneid. Find quick book recommendations by following Charity on Instagram.Enjoy essays on the Bright Wings' blog OR find great book lists personally crafted with you in mind!


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